
Selasa, 28 Juli 2015


Alkisah,di suatu komplek hiduplah seorang gadis yang bernama Sifa. Ia tinggal bersama Papah kandung, Ibu dan Kakak tirinya. Hidup Sifa kini begitu berbeda, tidak seperti dulu saat ibunya masih hidup. Sekarang Sifa jarang mendapat kasih sayang dari kedua orang tuanya. Papah Sifa jarang di rumah karena sibuk kerja, sedangkan ibu dan kakak tirinya tidak pernah memperdulikannya. Yasmin kakak tirinya begitu iri dengan Sifa, karena Sifa begitu disayang oleh Papahnya, selain itu juga karena Sifa memiliki wajah yang jauh lebih cantik dari pada Yasmin.
Di suatu pagi.
Papah                   : “Yasmine, Sifa, Papah pergi kerja dulu ya.” (dengan wajah yang tersenyum)
Yasmine & Sifa   : “Iya, Papah!”
Papah                   : “Nanti kalo Mamah udah bangun, bilang ya kalo Papah mau ke Singapura selama 1 minggu.
Yasmine               : “What? Singapura? Papah, Yasmine ikut dong !
Papah                   : “Yasmine, kamu kan harus sekolah. Oh ya, gimana kalo Papah bawain oleh-oleh aja? Kalian mau apa?”
Yasmine               : “Aku mau t-shirt, drees, terus aku juga mau makanan khas singapura. Oh iya, aku juga mau handphone dari Singapura ya Pah.”
Papah                   : “Oke. Kamu Sifa? Kamu mau kayak Yasmine juga?”
Sifa                      : “Kayaknya gak perlu deh Pah! Aku mau cuma Papah pulang dengan selamat, jadi kita bisa kumpul bareng lagi disini.” (dengan tersenyum)
Papah                   : “Sifa, Sifa, kamu ini emang anak Papah yang paling baik!” (Sifa dan Papahnya tersenyum)
Lalu Papah pergi.
Yasmine               : “Apa sih? Lo tuh caper banget sama Papah.” (dengan sinis)
Sifa hanya terdiam, lalu Yasmine meninggalkan Sifa. Saat di sekolah, Yasmine sedang berjalan bersama Clara temannya, mereka melihat Sifa sedang mengobrol dengan Johan, teman Sifa.
Clara                    : “Min, itu adik lo kan? Lah liat deh, masa dia berduaan gitu sama tukang anak nasi uduk.”
Yasmine               : “Mana sih?”
Clara                    : “Itu tuh, sama Johan.”
Yasmine               : “Ya ampun. Ih, bikin malu aja deh tuh orang.”
(Clara dan Yasmine menghampiri Sifa dan Johan)
Yasmine               : “Aduh kayaknya ada yang lagi pacaran nih.”
Clara                    : “Haha, kasiannya pacaran ama orang miskin. Gak punya selera amat sih adik lo tuh.
Yasmine               : “Hah? Adek? Emang gue punya adik kayak dia ya? Gak banget!
Sifa                      : “Kak udah gak usah ganggu adek deh
Yasmine               : “Kenapa? Lo gak suka? Lo tuh gak usah bikin malu gue dong, masa pacaran ama tukang nasi uduk!
Johan                   : “Aku emang anak tukang nasi uduk, tapi aku punya harga diri. Udah Sif mendingan kita pergi aja dari sini! (sambil menarik tangan Sifa)
Di rumah.
Mamah                 : “Duh, Yasmine kok belum pulang juga ya? Katanya mau shopping? Gimana sih?
Yasmine dan Sifa : “Aku pulang.
Mamah                 : “Yasmine Mamah tunggu dari tadi juga. Ayo sekarang kamu ganti baju, terus kita berangkat ke Mall! Katanya kamu mau beli sepatu baru?
Sifa                      : (Mengulurkan tangan mau salim)
Mamah                 : (Tidak membalas uluran tangan) “Ngapain kamu?”
Sifa                      : “Salim Mah.”
Mamah                 : “Oh.” (pergi bersama Yasmine dan meniggalkan Sifa)
Sifa                      : “Ih nyebelin banget, kerjaannya shopping mulu, tapi aku gak pernah di ajak.” (pergi ke kamar)
Malam harinya, Mamah dan Yasmine pulang.
Sifa                      : “Ya ampun, Mamah dan Kakak baru pulang?”
Mamah                 : “Emangnya kenapa?”
Sifa                      : “Inikan udah malem, terus juga kan Papah gak ada emang Mamah gak malu sama tetangga?”
Mamah                 : “Loh, ngapain malu? Bilang aja deh kamu iri kan gara-gara gak pernah Mamah ajak shooping.”
Yasmine               : “Iya, huu.”
Sifa                      : “Enggak Mah! Aku cuma mau ngasih tau Mamah aja kalo…”
Mamah                 : “Udahlah, ayo sayang kita tidur!” (Menarik tangan Yasmine dan pergi ke kamar)
Keesokan harinya di sekolah.
Mamah                 : “Yasmine ayo cepat! Mamah mau dateng pagi nih, mau pamerin baju baru mamah ke temen-temen.”
Yamine                : “Iya mah, sabar dong! Aku kan lagi dandan.”
Sifa menghampiri Mamahnya dengan keadaan sudah siap berangkat.
Mamah                 : “Loh, ngapain kamu?”
Sifa                      : “Berangkat sekolah Mah.”
Mamah                 : “Bareng Mamah?”
Sifa                      : “Iya.”
Mamah                 : “Ih, enggak enggak. Enak aja, pokoknya kamu gak boleh berangkat bareng Mamah!”
Yasmine               : “Berangkat aja sama pangeran nasi uduk lo!”
Mamah                 : “Hah, pangeran uduk?”
Yasmine               : “Iya, tau gak sih Mah, masa dia pacaran sama anak tukang nasi uduk bikin malu aja deh.”
Mamah                 : “Masa sih? Emm, tapi gak apa-apa deh, berarti dia gak usah minta makan ke kita lagi, biar dia makan nasi uduk aja!”
Mamah dan Yasmine: “Hahaha.” (pergi)
Sifa                      : “Ih, jahat banget sih. Terpaksa deh aku rental mobil.”
Di sekolah.
Zaky                    : (memanggil Sifa) “Sifa?”
Sifa                      : “Eh Zaky, ada apa?”
Zaky                    : “Enggak, aku cuma mau ngasih ini!” (mengulurkan tangan)
Sifa                      : “Apa ini?”
Zaky                    : “Kado.”
Sifa                      : “Iya aku tau, tapi kado atas apa? Aku kan gak lagi ulang tahun.”
Zaky                    : “Ya ngasih kado aja, kan kado gak harus disaat ulang tahun doang. Yaa Biasalah, aku kan orang kaya.”
Sifa                      : “Aduh, makasih ya Zaky.” (sambil tersenyum)
Zaky                    : “Iya, sama-sama. Aku harap kamu suka, soalnya aku beli ini di Australia.”
Sifa                      : “Ah, masa sih?”
Zaky                    : “Iya, swear deh.”
Sifa                      : “Oh yaudah, makasih Zaky.”
Zaky                    : “Sama-sama.”
Sepulang sekolah di rumah.
Sifa                      : “Aduh laper banget sih, gak ada makanan.”
 Clara dan Yasmine datang.
Clara                    : “Eh thanks loh Mine, enak banget tadi makanannya.”
Yasmine               : “Hehe, iya sama-sama. Kapan-kapan gue teraktir lagi deh, gimana kalo restoran jepang aja?”
Clara                    : “Wah, boleh tuh. Gue kan kayak orang Jepang gitu, pasti cocok banget kalo makan disana.”
 Kemudian Sifa menghampiri mereka.
Sifa                      : “Kak, kamu bawa makan buat aku gak? Aku laper banget nih.”
Yasmine               : “Idih, males banget deh bawain makan buat lo.”
Clara                    : “Iya, lagian juga lidah lo gak cocok sama makan-makanan mewah.”
Yasmine               : “Udah deh mendingan sekarang lo pergi ke rumah Johanaja! Terus lo minta nasi uduk deh ke dia! Hahaha” (tertawa bersama Clara)
Clara                    : “Iya, apa gunanya pacaran kalo gak nguntungin.”
Sifa                      : “Ih, aku tuh gak pacaran sama Johan tau.”
 Lalu Sifa pergi ke rumah Johan.
Johan                   : “Loh Sifa, mobil baru?”
Sifa                      : “Enggak, aku ngerental mobil, habis tadi pagi Mamahku gak mau berangkat bareng sama aku.”
Johan                   : “Oh, udah makan belum?”
Sifa                      : “Belum nih.”
Johan                   : “Yaudah, kamu makan nasi uduk buatan Ibu aku aja!”
Sifa                      : “Boleh, boleh.”
 Setelah makan.
Johan                   : “Kamu kenapa gak makan di rumah?”
Sifa                      : “Gak ada makanan.Emm, aku bingung deh.”
Johan                   : “Loh bingung kenapa? Cerita aja!”
Sifa                      : “Kenapa ya Mama dan Kakak aku tuh sebel banget sama aku? Aku tau mereka cuma keluarga tiri aku, tapi gak gitu-gitu juga kali.”
Johan                   : “Sabar ya! Ini semua pasti ada hikmahnya!
Sifa                      : “Iya Han, kadang aku mikir, kok hidup aku udah kayak Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih ya? Hidup sama keluarga tiri jahat, Papahku sibuk kerja, apa mungkin juga ada pangeran dan menjadikan aku seorang putri?
(suasana hening sejenak)
Johan                   : “Ada Sifa, orang itu adalah aku!” (berbisik)
Sifa                      : “Apa Johan?”
Johan                   : “Hah, gak kok.”
Sifa                      : “Yaudah deh, aku pulang ya? Makasih loh uduk kejunya, bilang ke Mamah kamu uduk buatannya TOP BANGET deh. Hehe”
Johan                   : “Sip, hati-hati ya.”
 Di rumah.
Yasmine               : “Kamu dari mana sih? Nyuci baju sana!”
Sifa                      : “Hah, what are you say? Emang Aku pembantu?!”
Yasmine               : “Loh baru nyadar? Cepet cuci! Atau, aku buang semua barang-barang Mamah kamu, biar gak ada kenangan lagi sama Mama kamu.”
Sifa                      : “Ih, jahat. Aku laporin ke Papah!”
Mamah                 : “Oh tidak bisa, kalo kamu wadul ke Papah kamu, barang-barang Mamah kamu akan hilang.”
Sifa pun mencuci baju, lalu setelah mencuci baju ia pergi ke kamar untuk membuka kado dari Zaky.
Sifa                      : “Aku buka kado dari Zaky ah.” (membuka kado)
      Boneka ikan mas, apa maksudnya ya? Eh, ada kartu ucapannya.
“Sifa, mungkin kamu bingung kenapa aku ngasih ini, tapi jujur aku suka banget makan ikan mas.., setiap aku makan ikan mas, pasti selalu teringat kamu… karena…….. AKU SUKA KAMUJ By: Zaky.”
Ya ampun so’sweet banget.” (memeluk boneka)
 Keesokkannya di sekolah.
Sifa                      : “Zaky, makasih ya kadonya aku suka banget.”
Zaky                    : “Iya sama-sama.”
Sifa                      : “Tapi kok boneka ikan mas ya?”
Zaky                    : “Iya, soalnya kamu kaya ikan mas.”
Sifa                      : “Apanya yang kaya ikan mas?”
Zaky                    : “Aduh apa ya? Kurang tau sih, tapi intinya…”
 (tiba-tiba Yasmine datang)
Yasmine               : “Hay Zaky, ngapain kamu disini sama Sifa?”
Zaky                    : “Eh, enggak kok, gak ngapa-ngapain.”
Yasmine               : “Oke, kalo enggak ngapa-ngapain aku pinjem Sifa nya ya?”
Zaky                    : “Sok atuh.”
Yasmine menarik Sifa
Zaky                    : “Huh, baru juga mau ngungkapin perasaan.”
Sifa                      : “Aduh sakit tau.”
Yasmine               : “Eh, ngapain lo berduaan sama Zaky? Gue cemburu tau gak sih.”
Sifa                      : “Hah, cemburu? Kok cemburu sama aku? Haha.”
Yasmine               : “Kok ketawa sih? Pokoknya gue gak mau tau, lo gak boleh deket-deket sama Zaky! Dia milik gue, ngerti kan?” (meninggalkan Sifa)
Beberapa hari kemudian disaat hari kepulangan Papahnya ke Indonesia dari Singapura.
Papah                   : “Aduh, passportnya mana ya? Kalo gak ada pasportnya sih mana bisa pulang. (mencari passport tetapi tetap tidak ada). Hmm, terpaksa deh ngundur waktu pulang, telepon keluarga dulu ah.” (mengambil handphone dan menelepon) Haloo Mamah, maaf ya Papah telat pulang nih, passpor ku hilang Mah. Hmm oke. Wassalamualaikum.
Di rumah Sifa.
Sifa                      : “Papah ya Mah? Apa kata Papah tadi?”
Mamah                 : “Apasih kamu? Mau tau aja.”
Sifa                      : “Ih, apa dong mah?”
Mamah                 : “Papah kamu gak pulang, passportnya hilang.”
Yamine                : “Masa sih mah? Asik asik, berarti masih bisa bebas shopping dong. Yee.”
Sifa                      : “Kok malah seneng sih Ka? Emang gak kangen?”
Yasmine               : “Apasih? Udah sana nyuci piring!” (Sifa pergi ke dapur, lalu  mencuci piring)
Sifa                      : “Hmm, ikan mas, males banget deh, masa aku di suruh nyuci piring gini sih. Emangnya aku budak ya?  Capek banget. (tunattinut…) Eh ada telepon, (Sifa mengangkat dan balik ke dapur setelah selesai bertelepon) Loh kok jadi bersih gini? Keren. Ih, boneka ikan mas kamu ajaib ya? Bener-bener kayak dongeng Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih deh.”
Beberapa hari kemudian Sifa bercerita kepada Johan tentang boneka ikan mas pemberian Zaky.
Johan                   : “Ah, masa sih? Ada- ada aja deh kamu.”
Sifa                      : “Aduh Johan, aku serius. Kenapa sih kamu gak percaya?”
(Dari kejauhan Yasmine dan Clara mendengar percakapan mereka)
Yasmine               : “Wah pantes saja Sifa kalo kerja selesainnya cepat, ternyata karena boneka ikan mas itu toh. Tapi,masa iya sih? Bilang ke Mamah ah.”
Di rumah.
Yasmine               : “Mamah, Mamah, aku punya info nih Mah.”
Mamah                 : “Info apa sayang?”
Yasmine               : “Tau gak sih Mah, Sifa itu punya boneka ikan mas ajaib. Dia selama ini cepat selesai mengerjakan pekerjaan karena boneka ikan mas itu.”
Mamah                 : “Mana ada sih boneka yang bisa ngebantuin manusia?”
Clara                    : “Iya tante, aku denger katanya Sifa punya boneka ikan mas yang bisa ngebantuin pekerjaan dia.
Mamah                 : “Hah, oke deh. Gak ada salahnya percaya. Sekarang kita cari boneka itu! Mumpung sifa belum pulang.” (mereka mencari boneka ikan ma situ, dan boneka ikan mas itu ditemukan)
Clara                    : “Tante,  ini bonekanya. Boneka ikan mas.”
Yasmine               : “Terus kita apain nih!?”
Mamah                 : “Hmm, liat nih rencana Mamah.”
Beberapa saat kemudian Sifa pulang.
Sifa                      : “Assalamualaikum.  Hmm,  kok sepi ya? (menaruh tas dan mencari boneka ikan mas). Loh bonekanya mana ya? Aduh, mana capek banget lagi, males banget nih mau kerja.”
Yasmine               : “Kamu cari ini?”
Sifa                      : “Loh kok ada dikamu sih? Sini.”
Clara                    : “Enak aja,gak semudah itu ya. Haha.”
Sifa                      : “Kenapa kalian bakar boneka ikan masnya? Kalian jahat!” (Sifa menangis)
Mamah                 : “Sudah, sudah, kembalikan saja bonek gosong itu!”
(Yasmine melempar boneka itu)
Sifa                      : “Hik-hik, boneka ikan masnya gosong. Gimana nih bilang ke Zaky nya? (Sifa menelepon Zaky) Zaky  kamu bisa ke rumah aku gak? Makasih. Oke, aku tunggu ya?”
Zaky datang. Zaky, Clara, Sifa, Yasmine dan Mamah pun berkumpul di ruang tamu.
Zaky                    : “Hay, semua. Sifa, ada apa kamu nyuruh aku ke sini?”
Sifa                      : (menunjukkan boneka ikan mas yang gosong) “Ini. Maaf ya, aku gak bisa jaga boneka ikan mas ini.”
Zaky                    : “Loh kok bisa gini? Kenapa?”
Sifa                      : “Hmm, boneka ikan masnya dibakar sama mereka semua..” (sambil melihat ke arah Clara, Yasmine, dan Mamahnya)
Zaky                    : “Ya ampun, kalian kok tega sih? Ini boneka dari aku tau! Beli mahal-mahal cuma untuk dibakar.”
Yasmine               : “Aduh, Zaky. Sorry ya. Tapi aku gak bermaksud” (menghampiri Zaky)
Zaky                    : “Ah, kalian ini maunya apa sih?”
Mamah                 : “Zaky, udah ya jangan marah! Tadi tuh.”
Zaky                    : “Udahlah, alesan! Sifa, boneka ini gak berarti buat aku kok, yang berarti tuh kamu, karena aku, aku suka kamu. (semua kaget) Kamu mau jadi pacar aku?”
Sifa                      : “Emm, gimana ya? Aku mau deh, tapi asalkan Mamah, Yasmine, dan Clara ikhlas menerimanya.”
Beberapa saat kemudian Papah pulang
Papah                   : “Papah pulang. Loh ada apa ini rame-rame?” (Papah datang bersama Johan)
Zaky                    : “Eh, kebetulan Om dan Johan datang, ini loh aku sedang mengungkapkan perasaanku ke Sifa. Tapi kata Sifa dia mau minta restu dulu ke kalian semua.”
Papah                   : “Om ngerestuin kok, ngerestuin banget. Kalian semua ngerestuinkan?”
Semua                  : “Iya kok.” (dengan terpaksa)
Zaky                    : “Jadi kita pacaran nih?”
Sifa                      : “Iya.” (mengangguk sambil tersenyum)
 Akhirnya, semenjak hari itu Sifa hidup bahagia karena Mamah dan Kakak tirinya tidak jahat lagi. Ternyata selama Papah di Singapura, ia mengirim mata-mata untuk mengawasi Mamah dan Yasmine. Alhasil Papah pun mengetahui apa yang selama ini mereka lakukan kepada Sifa. Papah pun menengur mereka. Johan  tidak sakit hati, karena ia berpacaran dengan Clara. Pokoknya semua begitu indah dan bahagia J (semua tersenyum)



On one day in the country ballad”exactly”animals in the swamp area at the north pole of one family lived a happy, loving and respecting each other. in the family is papa bear, mama bear and baby bear. when towards morning, the mother bear get up with enthusiasm at the day.
Mama Bear :”Huh …. cold today! (As he greeted the surrounding environment). Hello chairs, tables, windows, plates, bowls, trees, my field, etc.”
It occurred to mama bear in mind to make a very tasty breakfast, warm, and comfortable in the body for his little family. But before mama bear went into the bedroom to wake her son who was still asleep
Mama Bear : “Hmm, well this morning cook well? Ah I only cook porridge .. but before I had to wake my son because it was the day ”
Mamah go to the room baby bear for rousing its child which falling asleep sleep.
Mama Bear : “Love’s day .. wake up!”
Baby Bear  : “Hmm, still 3-1 …”
Mama Bear : “Hmm, wake up … did you again what a dream? ”
Baby Bear  : “Hmm, mama do not bother me .. I’m playing football ..”
Mama Bear : “Love is at 8 am, baby….”
Baby Bear  : “Huhhft, 8 o’clock?? yet again in full swing ..”
Mama Bear : “Fast wake up!! mother wanted to make porridge”
Baby Bear  : “Wow, hmmm (licking lips) ..”
Then baby went to the bathroom, after that he was waiting for his porridge cooked on the front porch while playing .. and the mama bear was cooking porridge in a huge pot and then mama bear into the bush to bush to spread the mat ..

Mama Bear : “Hmm what are papa outside? (confused)”
Papa Bear   : “I’ve been knock door, yelled, but no one answered”
Mama Bear : “Hmm, I was there at the back of the house was washing clothes, so I lock the door”
Papa Bear   : “Hmmm, can I help you to bring goldware?”
Mama Bear : “Mom wanted to prepare our breakfast in the bush”
Papa Bear   : “My dear what’s cooking?
Mama Bear : “Bears special porridge!”
Papa Bear   : “Hmm, I’m so hungry??”
They had arrived in the bushes ready to eat breakfast.
Mama Bear : “Dear, let’s eat.”
Papa Bear and

Baby Bear  : “Hmm, it smells delicious”
Papa Bear   : “Huhhh, this porridge hot!”
Mama Bear : “Hmm, wait a minute ..” (as he fed the baby)
Papa Bear   : “Huuhhft, we should just walk while await cold porridge! ”
Mama Bear : “Agree” (as he put the bowl)

Then they went away when they went there came a boy who starved. He called goldilocks
Godilock     : “Hmmm .. (go into a bear garden, looking right and left) well, there is good food .. (holding his stomach)
Goldilock then ate the food but …
Godilock     : “Awww, hot tongue …”(first bowl of porrigde)

Then any goldilock a meal next
Godilock     : “Huhh, too cold ..” (look to the bowl yet in eaten)

Then ate porridge goldikock baby bear

Godilock     : “Wow this porridge is very tasty, delicious, but it,s just right”
Goldilock then went inside the bear, and he also found a tv …

Godilock     : “Oh my god, there is tv. I want to watch her, before me steal all this existing at home goods.. (thinks)
When godilock wish to look on tv in the reality godilock saw 3 chairs, and he even tried the chair but…….
Godilock     : “Hmm, less comfortable ..” (trying to papa bear chair)
Godilock     : “Hubbt, too soft” (try to seat mama bear))
Godilock     : “This great new .. and it’s just right” (try a baby sitting in a chair with a jump it)
Then ..Gubrak ..
Godilock     : “Hhhaah, my ass … hufft, I was sick ass shit …”( stroked his ass)
Finally he was exhausted, then she headed for the bed
Godilock     : “Ngekk, (fingers showing the number 3) huhhh, 3 more, 3 more .. delighted at the number 3. I had to try it one by one so that my body does not hurt anymore ”

He finally tried the mattress papa bear
Godilock     : “Heleh, heleh huge .. this mattress.’re a big hard too”
Godilock     : “Ehhh, this mattress fragility” (after trying the mattress mama bear)
Godilock     : “Hmm, this new name mattresses … nyam nyam nyam (sleeping on a mattress baby bear)
Soon after came the bear family ..
Baby Bear  : “My porridge bemoan fate …”
All Bear      : “Who’s been eating my porridge ..” (facing and staring at each other)

They also entered into the house, and was surprised to see the contents of a very messy house.
All Bear      : “Someone has been occupying my seat ..”

Baby Bear  : ‘Hmm, broken my chair .. “(while crying)
Papa Bear   : “Anyone who has entered the room ..”

Then they went into the room and was surprised ..
Mama Bear : “Ohh, no ..” (hysterical)
All Bear      : “Hhaa” (yawn)
Goldilock was surprised to see the bear family, and then he got up and jumped ..
Papa Bear   : “Hey you are? why you are here .. defining me is poppa of bear”(rubbing his head)

Godilock     : “Huaahha okay then ..I was the ramaa rama …familiar call goldilock” (rubbing his head)
They were surprised, seeing a strange goldilcok ..
Baby Bear  : “You were not there on the sidewalk while begging?
Godilock     : “Ahh, you know it (smile)
Mama Bear : “Ngekk”
Papa Bear   : “Gubrakk”
Godilock     : “Oyya, I want to say goodbye to go home sometime later I stopped again”
Papa Bear   : “Okay”
Mama Bear : “Titi dj”
Godilock     : “What?”
Baby Bear  : “Gubrak, be careful on the road om ..”
Godilock     : “Ohh .. (smile) of course yours ih joke my want bring to go home”
He went out of the house bears waving hands

Papa Bear   : “See you later cried the bear family, soon..”
Baby Bear  : “What is it daddy? ‘”(spontaneous holding his head)
Papa Bear   : “He was a thief ..”
Mama Bear : ‘Wahh, we ketipu ”
Baby Bear  : “Has-been fulgoso”
Mama Bear : “Hehhh, thought telenovela what?”
Papa Bear   : “Has-been’s forget it” (putting his arm around mama and baby bear) so, bye ..

Become that’s family which very harmonious but interspersing with badness of thief which wish to take all estae had by that bear family. But all that have after because bear mother if traveling not forget to lock door.


Once upon a time, there lived a couple of married. They lived in the forest which is so far from urban world. They have been 30 years married, but them not yet given by a child even also. Though, they thirst for took care of a child.

Mother            :        “Father, when we get a baby? I thirsting for to carry on the back the baby and take care of it adult to till wait.”
Father              :        “I don’t know. Possible this our born to, Mom.”
Mother            :        “Yes.” (Breathing length).
Father              :        “Awaiting first, Mom. Father knowed with a deity. She can give the child to our, Mom. See our neighbour next door. She can have the child from the deity.
Mother            :        “Is it true that deity live where?”
Father              :        “In well.”
Mother            :        “What? Bizzare, deity can live in the well. It is true where its well situation?”
Father              :        “Why Mom? It’s situation at elbow rice field, Mom. How if tomorrow we come home from rice field?”
Mother            :        “Well if so.”

Next day, the husband went to rice field did the everyday activity. Meanwhile, the wife at home whose lunch. After ripeness, the wife brought it rice field.

Mother            :         “Father, here! Let father take a rest first! Lunch have come! It is at the same time called loudly.”
Father              :         “Yes, mother just a moment!”
Mother            :         “Yes.” (When to shack to eat)

After that have eaten, they conversed desire return to own a child

Mother            :         “Father, become we do not to its well. Then how to call it.”
Father              :         “Yes, but father don’t know of how to. I have the friend, only she which can call it. Mom, just awaiting here! Father will fetch that my friend.”

While the mother did set right the food, father went to his friend’s house, named his named was Junet.

Father              :        “Assalamualaikum. Junet! Junet! Are you in there?”
Junet               :        “Waalaikumsalam. Hello my friend. I’m in here.” (Go out from back yard)
Father              :        “I wish to have the child, but until now, we are not yet give a child. Because of that, I will accompany you to come in deity place because only you which know its way.”
Junet               :        “Oh, so you wish to ask the child at that Deity. Why do you don’t pray to God?”
Father              :        “Already, every day I and my wife is pray to God, but not granted.”
Junet               :        “Okay, if that your want. Well, we go there now.”
Father              :        “Yes, thank you Mr. Junet. You are right good people.”
Junet               :        “Ok, your welcome, Sir. But, don’t forget it, Sir?”
Father              :        “What?”
Junet               :        “It’s Fee.” (Laughing)
Father              :        “If so only the same. Base you are.”

After that, father and package the Junet when the place where that deity did lived. They also invited mother which resided in rice field.

Father              :        “He is which it’s name Mr. Junet. Introducing sir, she is my wife.”
Junet               :        “I am Junet, Mrs. Friend work mother husband.”
Mother            :        “Let’s go to deity place.”

They are, directed to well. Mr. Junet can did inform them how to call the deity.

Junet               :        “Sir, this is a place that I purpose.”
Father              :        “So how to call the deity?”
Junet               :        “It’s very easy, we only throw the coin toward that well.”
Mother            :        “How many coin?”
Junet               :        “For the boy of 2 coin and girl 1 coin.”
Mother            :        “Mom wish girl, Dad.”
Father              :        “Dad wish boy, Mom.”
Mother            :        “Girl.”
Father              :        “Boy.”
Junet               :        “Already, better all of you just switching!”
Father              :        “It’s Okay.” (Mother and Father even also rumble)
Mother            :        “Hurrah… Mom is winner.”

Mother did can even also thrown the coin toward that well. Then that deity when out from well.

Deity               :        “Hohohohoho…. For what you call me?” (Deity laughed)
All of them     :        (All of them fear)
Junet               :        “Our Arrival here to have recourse. This family wish to take care of a child. You can assist this family?”
Deity               :        “Hohoho, that is easy problem for me. You wish child of like what?”
Mother            :        “I wish to have the daughter. She have to be beautiful, kindhearted, obey to the parent and others. Can?”
Deity               :        “O.K. But all of you have to adhere my request. If she have 17 year old. I will return this place to take it return. I will marry she is if she beautiful, if she my bad will eat she is. Do you all agree?”

Mother and Father did also negotiated. What they will follow that giant words. In the reality they agree with the giant decision. And the Giant give bean to be planted.

Father              :        “Ok. I will be accepted by a decision you.”
Deity               :        “Good. This I give the bean to all of you plant. After 1 day you will get a child of is above bed sleep all of you.”
Mother            :        “Thank.
Deity               :        “Both of the same.

Then they return to plant the Peanut have give by giant. After its wait next day, they got a beautiful daughter Peanut and kindhearted.

Father              :        “Mom., seeing! There is mattress baby! That baby is beautiful really!”
Mother            :        “Is true? Possible that our baby. Oh, my baby! (Running to come near the baby)”
Father              :        “Yes, Mom. That is true our child. We give the name putri “

Seventeenth year compassion then that child have grew up and own the kindhearted and beautiful face. And after a few times, came the deity which will bill for its promise first.

Deity               :        “Hohoho. I’m coming. Hi, all, hohohohoho.” (Deity aughed)
Mother            :        “Oh father, that deity come. I he/she do not willing to take the putri. How this yeah?”
Father              :        “Father don’t know this situation , Mom. Possible this our born to discharge it.”

While the deity walked when tocthat wife spouse house, the mother order daughter in order not to when out house.

Mother            :        “My daughter, please look at me. You must residing in house. Because deity will take the you from hand of father and mother.”
Putri                :        “What Mom, I will listen go your comand. Is true, Mom? Why that deity wish to take me.”
Father              :        “Look at me Putri, that deity wish to bill for its promise first.”
Putri                :        “Promise what, Dad?”
Father              :        “Promise.”

Before the father informed the Putri, sudden the deity came.

Mother            :        “Father! Putri! That Deity come in.” (Scream)
Putri                :        “Father, how this?”

From the long distance heard by a deity voice.

Deity               :        “Hahaha. Go out all of you!”
Mother            :        “Is he a deity?”
Deity               :        “Are you forget? In the place, I will take your daughter.”
Father              :        “Well, just a moment! My Daughter is taking a bath”
Deity               :        “Well, but caution of if you lie!”

Mother and Putri went out from home to met the deity. They felt sorrow because they have been to part Putri truthfully not yet known what is when on. Meanwhile, deity like the goal. Momentary afterwards, Putri narrated by brother what in fact happened, because the mother did not ready to tell together.

Putra                  :      “My sister, in fact this secret of mother and father. In fact sister is gift child from the deity, because at that time father and mother not yet been bestowed by the child. Become, they ask to bear hand the deity.”
Putri                  :      “So?”
Putra                  :      “That Deity grant, but on condition that.”
Putri                  :      “What is it condition?”
Putra                  :      “When you 17 years old, he will come here to bring you.”(Show to Putri)
Deity                 :      “To bring you go out from here.” (Directed shout)
Putri                  :      “Become in fact I am not child from the father and mother? What Putra also not child from Father and Mother? And why all of you hide all that from me?”
Deity                 :      “No, Putra is child from the Father and Mother.” (Showing sorrowful silent Putra)
Putra                  :      “Real correct Sister, initially mother cannot have the child, however after mother own the sister, in the reality mother expressed pregnancy.
Putra                  :      “But why all of you hide this from me?”
Putra                  :      “That because us do not wish the sister think this matter?”
Putri                  :      “But….”
Deity                 :      ‘Have Putri, there no time again and quickly follow with me! Your time have is up.”
Mother              :      “Going my daughter! Forgive the mistake of mother and father.” (Embracing each other)
Father                :      “Father also apologize the.”
Putri                  :      “Whether, me will follow with that deity. Father thank, mother, sister. Forgive also my mistake.”
Putri Families    :      “Putri!” (Screaming concurrently)
Putri                  :      “I will always remember all of my best families ever.”
Finaly, after occurenced took place, Putri’s families very sorrowed with the occurenced which have been became of by its family. But, after some years elapse, Putra own the sister which its criterion is equal to its sister. That family lived fully part and emotion every time and every where.